Things to try

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Lightbulb Activity
Create an end-of-work day habit
Burnout ,
Worry ,
Money issues ,
Workplace issues & unemployment
To create a clear end to the work day, try doing things like putting away your work materials, stepping away for another activity, or following away-from-work communication rules you define with your coworkers (like setting expectations you aren’t available for meetings, calls, or email replies after a certain time).
Lightbulb Activity
Stop and observe your breath
Anger ,
Guilt ,
Worry ,
Family conflict ,
Non-substance addiction ,
Substance use ,
Take a few minutes (even just 5-10) to sit in silence and focus solely on your breath as you inhale and exhale. This is a simple way to calm your mind and body and can help shift your focus to the present moment and give your mind a rest from negative thoughts. It may take some practice, so don't beat yourself up if you catch your mind wandering—noticing when this happens is actually a great sign. All you have to do is refocus and keep going, which is a skill in itself.
Lightbulb Activity
Watch something funny
Anger ,
Grief & loss ,
Loneliness ,
Sadness ,
Relationship issues & breakups
Humor has a lot of power. Watching a comedic movie or even a standup comedy special may seem like a bandaid, but it has the potential to tap into the depths of your true self. (This goes back to the common phrase, "It's funny because it's true.") Finding ways to laugh at pieces of art (comedy is art!) has been something people have done for centuries to cope and reflect on the human experience. Comedy can help you feel a little better by highlighting what's important to you and the silver linings of life's ups and downs.
Lightbulb Activity
Invest in a weighted blanket
Grief & loss ,
Guilt ,
Loneliness ,
Sadness ,
Worry ,
Relationship issues & breakups ,
TLDR: Weighted blankets work. Weighted vests even work for our animal friends! And there are even weighted stuffed animals.The science is simple: It's like being tucked in – safe and secure – or like a big hug from someone you love. The weight in a weighted blanket is proven to help settle nerves and improve sleep, which in turn has all sorts of benefits for your health.
Lightbulb Activity
Do one small thing that will help you feel better
Anger ,
Sadness ,
Worry ,
Chronic health issues & disabilities ,
Family conflict ,
Relationship issues & breakups ,
When you’re in a bad headspace, it can be challenging to find the energy to take care of yourself. Even the smallest of activities might feel too overwhelming to begin. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t deserving of it. Find some time to do one nice thing you enjoy—whether it be listening to an album you love, reading a book, or treating yourself to your favorite snack.
Lightbulb Activity
Spend some time with a pet
Grief & loss ,
Loneliness ,
Sadness ,
Worry ,
Chronic health issues & disabilities ,
Relationship issues & breakups
Pets can provide comfort, companionship, and more often than not, a laugh, when you need it most. Science also backs up the benefits of having a pet on your mental health. Spend some time playing with your pet and enjoying each other company. If you don’t have a pet but love animals, consider volunteering at a shelter or visiting a neighbor or a friend with a pet.
Lightbulb Activity
Text or call someone to say you care about them
Grief & loss ,
Guilt ,
Loneliness ,
Sending out a simple text asking how someone you care about is doing can offer mutual benefits for you both. Doing so reinforces your connectedness to others, and helps to remind you that you have support when you might need it.
Lightbulb Activity
Burnout ,
Grief & loss ,
Loneliness ,
Trauma ,
Workplace issues & unemployment
Aside from helping others, volunteering has amazing feel-good effects for you. You'll also experience elevated oxytocin levels and a dopamine release along with a sense of meaning that can help reduce stress and burnout. Volunteering is also a great way to build and strengthen social connections, which is increasingly important as social isolation is on the rise. In addition to making new connections when you volunteer, you might make existing connections even stronger when you volunteer with loved ones. (One study even shows that couples who volunteer together were more likely to stay together.)

Showing 1—8 of 29