Things to try

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Video Play Watch 1:51
Picture yourself at the top of your game
Burnout ,
Worry ,
Workplace issues & unemployment ,
Be like Mike. He credits tapping in to the power of his mind—visualizing himself winning—to helping him become a master of basketball. And it’s is something you can try too. What’s the equivalent to making a basket, or winning a championship trophy in your life? If you picture yourself achieving this in your mind, your brain actually does the work to create a new neural pathway. In non-science speak, this means when you visualize something vividly, and repeatedly, the brain feels like you’ve actually done the thing you’ve imagined. So when the situation arises in real life, you can be calm in the moment and worry a little less about how to do the thing because you’ve already experienced it your mind.
Lightbulb Activity
Get introspective
Anger ,
Burnout ,
Sometimes a little self reflection can go a long way. If you need ideas for where to start, pay attention to how every part of your body feels, starting from your head down to your toes. Then try asking yourself: What am I feeling right now? Why am I feeling that way?
Lightbulb Activity
Manage your close relationships and communication
Family conflict ,
Grief & loss ,
Opening up to friends & family ,
Relationship issues & breakups ,
Sadness ,
When you're going through a challenging situation, it may also stressful for your family and other close relationships. So keep the lines of communication open, and ask for the support you need. At the same time, encourage your loved ones who are helping out to take time for themselves when their help extends over a longer period of time—it can be easy to burn out, and you’ll want to know they get the relief they need. There may be a range of support options available through your employer, a therapist, state or federal government, or community groups that can help lighten the load and extend your support system.
Lightbulb Activity
Stay current on healthcare and be open with your doctors
Non-substance addiction ,
Substance use ,
Trauma ,
Chronic health issues & disabilities
See your doctor(s) for regular check-ups. Doing this can catch conditions before they become bigger issues. Make a habit of sharing your questions and concerns so you know what you’re dealing with, and can get the help you need. If relevant, consider what long term and end-of-life care options are important to you, and tell a trusted loved one. Though it may be difficult to think about, it’ll provide relief to know you’ve communicated your wishes in advance of any emergency situations and will prevent them from being put in difficult positions later.
Lightbulb Connection
Stay connected
Spending time with people you trust can really help you process and manage big emotions and is good for your mental health overall. Even if you don’t feel up to it, reach out to friends and family you trust, in person or remotely. You might be surprised how much it helps in hard moments.
Lightbulb Self-Care
Prioritize self-care and stress relief
Set aside a dedicated time each day to do something that makes you feel calm, alleviates stress or simply makes you happy—whether it’s meditation, giving yourself a facial, cooking, dancing to your favorite playlist, walking your dog, or doodling in a coloring book.
Lightbulb Self-Care
Don’t forget your basic needs
When you’re in a crisis or managing big emotions, it’s easy to forget the everyday habits that can improve your mood and well-being. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eight to 10 hours is ideal. Spend time outside when possible. Move your body in whatever way you can that feels good to you. Make sure you’re eating and drinking plenty of water. Try journaling, meditation, or breathing to help you ground yourself in the present moment.

Showing 33—40 of 45