Things to try

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Headphones Listen
Create an upbeat playlist
Sadness ,
Relationship issues & breakups ,
Chronic health issues & disabilities
Aside from just sounding good, research shows that listening to music actually increases blood flow to regions in your brain that generate and control emotions. And studies show that faster music (usually performed at a tempo between 140 and 150 beats per minute) tends to generate more positive emotions than slower music. Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” (at 156 BPM) is just one example of a song that might give you some positive emotions—it's the first of 10 in a research-backed playlist. But don't let us stop you from making your own playlist of songs that feel good to you.
Lightbulb Practice
Take breaks from news stories and social media
Burnout ,
Non-substance addiction ,
Worry ,
Relationship issues & breakups ,
Anger ,
Coping with discrimination & stigma
Non-stop exposure to anxiety-producing news can amp up any difficult feelings you’re already having. If you find yourself feeling worse after scrolling your feeds, do what you can to limit stressful content. You can decide to check in only at certain times, turn off notifications, or unfollow accounts that create stress and focus on ones that help you feel calm and connected.

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