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Video Play Watch 1:51
Picture yourself at the top of your game
Burnout ,
Worry ,
Workplace issues & unemployment ,
Be like Mike. He credits tapping in to the power of his mind—visualizing himself winning—to helping him become a master of basketball. And it’s is something you can try too. What’s the equivalent to making a basket, or winning a championship trophy in your life? If you picture yourself achieving this in your mind, your brain actually does the work to create a new neural pathway. In non-science speak, this means when you visualize something vividly, and repeatedly, the brain feels like you’ve actually done the thing you’ve imagined. So when the situation arises in real life, you can be calm in the moment and worry a little less about how to do the thing because you’ve already experienced it your mind.
Lightbulb Connection
Stay connected
Spending time with people you trust can really help you process and manage big emotions and is good for your mental health overall. Even if you don’t feel up to it, reach out to friends and family you trust, in person or remotely. You might be surprised how much it helps in hard moments.

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